Welcome to Kabayan Express ANZ

We provide documentation services to Filipinos living and working abroad. Our team will help you liaise with Philippine local authorities and help coordinate with various government agencies at an affordable cost.

Kabayan Express makes it easier for OFWs to obtain various legal documents required for identity verification, Immigration purposes, NZ/AU citizenship application, lodging of work / study / partnership / tourist / any other visas.

We are a registered business in New Zealand but can ship anywhere in Australia and New Zealand.

Let us know how we can help you today, Kabayan!

Note: We can also cater to kababayans outside Australia and New Zealand (shipping charges apply). Feel free to contact us.

Process NOW, Pay LATER

100% hassle-free and risk-free

Kabayan Express ANZ

We would love to hear from you!

Follow us on social media or send us an email, Whattsapp or Viber

Open Hours

Mon-Sat 8am to 8pm (NZ time)

Sunday (will try to get back to you as soon as we can)


New Zealand

Contact Details
